Thursday, May 3, 2012

Byronic Hero

Earlier this year Mrs. Elliott taught the class about Byronic Heroes.  They have characteristics such as being dark, have a handsome or beautiful appearance, they are haunted by sin, they can be brilliant but self-destructive, mysterious, seductive, and they are an outcast.  This particular subject interests me because it reminds me of the various characters in movies that I have seen before.  "Boo Radley" from To Kill A Mockingbird, "Edward Cullen" from Twilight, and also in a way, "Johanna Mason" from Catching Fire perfectly fit the description to be the Byronic hero of their respective novels.  They are seen as attractive young people who seem to be hiding a secret.  They have mystery behind their every move, and this makes them magnetic to their counterparts in their novels.  My opinion is, Byronic Heroes enhance the interest level of novels and make them more intriguing to read.  I will end off this post with my own description of an unnamed Byronic Hero that Mrs. Elliot had us create and write briefly about earlier this year.

"Her long brown hair, frizzy yet in order, graces her shoulders as if she prepared it that way.  A picture of a decaying body inside of a bathtub on her shirt led to her apple red jeans which led to her knock off designer boots.  The boots made a sinister noise with every step she took as she walked towards her ex-boyfriend's house.  Red lipstick dripped down her lips because that is the way she liked it.  Such a perfect figure.  Resembling the body on her shirt, she was ready."


  1. That description you made is really neat. It has so much detail that makes it very mysterious. I find Byronic Heroes interesting in the sense that while so many iconic characters fit the description, Byronic Heroes do not feel cliché. What do you think?

    -Collin G

  2. Honestly, I wish you would have kept going with the story! It already had me interested. Using a girl as the Byronic hero is a sort of twist and I am really curious to see how this could turn out.

    -A. Pruett

  3. I agree with Ashley your story is very intriguing and makes me want to read more. I agree with you that Byronic hero's do enhance the interest level. I think they do this by adding a sense of mystery and as Collin said they don't feel cliché but they still seem familiar.
    -Aimee E

  4. One byronic hero that really stands out to me is Batman or the Dark Knight. Why? Because he is mysterious, a dark hero. someone who doesn't live for glory, but for justice.

    -Richard Won
    Period 3
